5 Amazing Christmas Projects Hidden in CodePen

Talented front-end developers can play around online on CodePen, where they can always find interesting projects to expand their horizons and see what other developers are working on. The end-of-year holidays are a perfect time to surprise your loved ones with imaginative DIY projects or to thank your clients with some hip, contemporary designs that will uplift the spirit.

Pure CSS Merry Christmas Card

This infinitely laughing Santa created with only HTML and CSS3 can help you understand how the keyframe animation syntax can be used in practise. In CSS3, the @keyframes rule can be used to specify the rules of an animation, and then the animation CSS3 property can be used to bind this specified animation to a specific element.

You must include the keyframe's name as the first value of the animation property, just as the developer did with the custom keyframes named bodyLaugh, beardLaugh, headLaugh, and mouthLaugh that were created specifically for this pen.

See the Pen Pure CSS Merry Christmas:) by Alireza Sheikholmolouki (@Alireza29675) on CodePen.

Merry Christmas Tree!

This "Merry Christmas Tree!" was created using SVG and the JavaScript animation engine library, Greensock, along with some plugins. The library shimmers the tree around, bringing the animation to life. Check out the code if you want to add a Christmas feel to your website. There would be no Christmas without a Christmas tree!

See the Pen Merry Christmas Tree! by Chris Gannon (@chrisgannon) on CodePen.        

Pure CSS Christmas Lights

Check out how to make Christmas light after you've made a Christmas tree. It is only an unordered list, and the styles are written in SCSS. I believe it is ideal for website decoration.

It’s amazing how we can create a compelling animation today just using CSS.

See the Pen Pure CSS Christmas Lights by Toby (@tobyj) on CodePen.

A christmas loop in svg

This is an excellent example of the power of SVG. Not only can you make simple animations, but you can also make complex animations like this one, which involves creating a loop that smoothly transforms three different objects.

This animation was created using a single div, some CSS, and a JavaScript library called Lottie.

See the Pen A christmas loop in svg by kittons (@airnan) on CodePen.

Christmas Wishes 

The landscape, the fox, and the bird were all created with SVG in this "Pen". To create the snowfall, a library by the name of ParticelJS is being used. The snow will actually move away from the cursor as you move it around the snowstorm, which is a neat feature.

See the Pen Christmas Wishes by Trisha Salas (@trishasalas) on CodePen.


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5 Amazing Christmas Projects Hidden in CodePen 5 Amazing Christmas Projects Hidden in CodePen Reviewed by betheprogrammer on December 25, 2022 Rating: 5

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