How to add animation gif in java swing

Learn how to add animation gif by using java swing


Hey Everyone! Today we will learn how to add an animation gif by using java swing. I hope it will be interesting. Before starting we must know the basic knowledge about java swing. 

What is java swing?
  • Java Swing tutorial is a part of Java Foundation Classes (JFC) and is used to build window-based software. It's built on top of the AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit) API and written fully in java.
  • Unlike AWT, Java Swing provides components that are platform-independent and lightweight.
  • The javax.swing module includes JButton, JTextField, JTextArea, JRadioButton, JCheckbox, JMenu, JColorChooser, and so on classes for java swing API.
Why we are going to use java swing?
  • Basically, java swing elements are independent of the base.
  • Swing parts are relatively lightweight.
  • Swing gives pluggable appearance and sound.
  • Swing follows on from MVC.
In this, we are going to use simple javax.swing modules like JFrame, layouts, labels, etc.
Here I am going to use NetBeans IDE to make it very easy, in Netbeans IDE most of the things are drag and drop done. So we don't have to make so much effort for typing the whole code. (Note: every the programmer should type the code for his practice and its good so that he can improve his speed of typing and side by side understand the code.).You can use different IDEs also.

Before starting  you must download the animated gif file from google.
Let us implement these steps one by one:
  1. First of all, we are going to create Jframe naming it as animation. Resize it according to your view.
  2. Then we have to save the animation gif and background image file to the project folder.
  3. Then create one JPanel and set its layout to absolute layout.
  4. After that, we are going to drag the label on to JPanel and adjust it according to the panel's size.
  5. In the Right hand of the screen , there will be a label properties option. In that option icon is present.
  6. Click on the icon section, select the background image of our gif.
  7. Then select another label and drag it over the first label.
  8. Before adding the gif in the icon we have to select the navigate to option from the left side of the window and just drag the label2 and move before label1. This is because our animation gif should seem to look before the background image it must be overlay over the label1.
  9. The last step of this tutorial is to select label2 and on the properties of the label2 select icon and select the animated gif. Adjust it according to your view.
  10. Save it and Run the file. You will see that the animation of the rocket will be run on another popup screen.
Thanks! for following these steps to implement and hope you enjoy this.

How to add animation gif in java swing How to add animation gif in java swing Reviewed by betheprogrammer on February 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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